APSRC has created a CFAM tool to help schools examine the CISA model

The Comprehensive Investment in Student Achievement (CISA) funding model may be considered in the upcoming legislative session in 2025. This proposed model would include a base funding, weights for certain students, direct funding for certain students, and funding for certain student outcomes. 

In an effort to give school leaders a tool that will allow for a comparison of local and state revenue in FY24 vs. FY24 funding had the CISA model been in place, APSRC has created a CFAM worksheet to help with the comparison.

Currently, a partnership with DESE has enabled all Arkansas districts and charter schools access to up to 20 CFAM logins for the 2023-2025 school years. If you aren’t sure if your school is utilizing CFAM, click here to learn more. If you already have access to CFAM, click here to login. 

To access the CISA Funding Model Worksheet:

  • Log in to CFAM

  • Click on Explore

  • Click on CFAM Project (click to access CFAM & CFAM_Daily)

  • Click on CISA Funding Model

  • Click on CISA Funding Model on this screen (if you want to make it a favorite on the home page – click the star to the left)

  • Click on your district in the drop-down district filter on the top right

NOTE: APSRC is unable to pull the number of students in the following areas: five SPED levels, Dyslexia, 4th grade tutoring, CTE concentrators, or any of the student performance measures at the bottom of the worksheet. District staff can enter the number of students that would qualify for funding in this model by entering the number of students in the fields on the right-hand side of the page.

VERY IMPORTANT:  Once student levels are added to the worksheet… click on view in the blue banner at the top of the page, name this view by entering a name for the worksheet in the box and click on save. This step will save the number of students that you entered in the fields on the right-hand side of the worksheet. To access the saved CISA worksheet: log in to CFAM, click on the CISA Funding Model worksheet, click on view in the blue ribbon at the top of the page, your save CISA worksheet will be listed under My Views, click on the worksheet to open.

Questions about how the APSRC Finance team can help your school? Click here!


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