Looking for FREE on-demand professional learning opportunities?

Being a member of APSRC grants you access to an extensive range of services, resources, and more. From teaching & learning, to finance, or legal & policy, we aim to provide expert guidance no matter the topic. Now, members can find comprehensive professional learning opportunities from all of our departments easier than ever before with Discere. 

Latin for to learn, Discere is our learning management system. This broad online hub is where you will find all APSRC event registrations, certificates, history, and materials in one place. And in the 2024-2025 school year, members will now be able to access on-demand content curated by our team of experts as well. 

Each membership year, our team will develop at least 15 new and relevant courses that can be accessed at any time. 

To access our on-demand content library:

  • Create or login to your existing Discere account. 

  • Click the User Menu (three horizontal lines at the top of the screen). 

  • Then click β€œOn-Demand Content.” Here you will find all available professional learning opportunities sorted by department for easy browsing. 

Have questions about Discere or accessing the on-demand content library? Please refer to our FAQ section. If you need additional assistance, email Marti Jo Hall or Katie Fite. 


APSRC has created a CFAM tool to help schools examine the CISA model


School Technology Legislation Updates for 2024-2025