Morning Keynote

Kriesti Bunch serves as Somerset ISD's Chief Academic Officer and works alongside dedicated team members to oversee the organization’s academic services, including instruction, data management systems, and professional learning. These integrated and intentional systems have led to an overall rating of “A” as measured by the Texas Education Agency’s accountability system and have positioned the organization as a leader in the field. Data continues to reflect how campuses are closing achievement gaps and mitigating the equity divide. Prior to joining Somerset ISD, Mrs. Bunch served as a development and implementation leader at the national, state and regional level, where she served as the lead consultant for numerous school improvement initiatives. She led leadership programs that enhanced statewide capacity for supporting districts and schools through comprehensive leadership development and overall school improvement. 

Lunch Keynote

An energetic teacher, presenter, and leader, Dr. Christopher Bronke brings a wealth of research, classroom, and leadership experience to professional learning while empowering participants to reflect deeply upon their own practice to facilitate growth and collaboration. After twenty years in the classroom and the last twelve also leading a team of 22 English teachers, Bronke now passionately coaches and consults with teachers around the world to help create more inclusive classrooms for all learners.

A champion of teacher voice, Christopher has been on the Executive Planning Committee for three Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching (ECET2) national convenings as well as the planning lead for two ECET2 regional events in Chicago. His work has been featured in The Atlantic, Teaching Channel, the Chicago Sun-Times, Language Arts Journal of Michigan, Let’s Recap, and more.  Additionally, his work has been highlighted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, on EduTalk Radio, at the Conference on English Leadership, and by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

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